There's this weird thing that always happens to me when I'm taking back the control of my thoughts and my life, reclaiming them, and redirecting them in a positive direction. As soon as I decide it's time to become living and breathing gratitude, and only choose to embrace and entertain the positive side of things, little blessings boldly become present in my life. And lately, I've been focusing my energy on my relationship with Christ, and since deciding to dedicate my life to being His Beacon of Love and Light, making my life something the glorifies God, and being determined to have Him as the foundation in everything I do, my "powers of manifestation" have increased ten-fold (my prayers are being answered at an insanely rapid pace, one I can barely fathom)!
For example, the other teacher at the academy where I teach is pregnant, and it's been known since before the year started that I would take over her classes when she took maternity leave. These classes are on Wednesday and Friday afternoons/evenings, which would mean I'd be in the high school Tuesday-Friday in the mornings/early afternoons, and then in the academy Tuesday-Friday afternoons/evenings. I'd have to cut my private lesson, and I'd lose my Friday afternoons. Originally, it was what I wanted. But I originally thought I was going to be leaving for Asia with a backpack on after this year, and wanted to work as much as possible so I could save for the adventure. Well, since I changed my mind and decided to move home, I don't necessarily need to save as much money. Also, about this same time, I started to realize how stressed out and over-worked I was becoming. So, I decided that it wouldn't be very wise for me to add 5-6 more hours of teaching to my load, and told my boss it would be best if he could find someone else to do it. The very next week he told me he was pretty sure he had found someone who could/would do it starting in January!
^Update (26/11/2014): I'm supposed to start the classes today, and I was talking to the teacher, and she said Paula, the girl who's going to take over (meaning that since I spoke to my boss yesterday, she's confirmed she will do them!), and that she might even be able to do the December days!!!! Now THAT is quick! I was praying about it all day yesterday, returning my trust to Him, and now, Shaaa-Bammm! AwesomeSauce
Next example, since I know these are my final [seven] months living in Europe, I've started to make some lists of the places I want to be sure I go before I leave. Istanbul has become one of my top priorities, and I've been focusing a lot of my energy on it. This week, I've been emailing with my grandma, and she was asking me when I finish work, because she has an idea. She, my mom and my sister are going to be taking a trip in June to Israel, but before they go to Israel, they're going to.... wait for it..... ISTANBUL, and she asked if the dates they're going I could meet them there. And, perfectly, by the grace of God, I will have finished working in the high school by then, leaving me with only classes on Tuesday/Thursday afternoons/evenings, meaning not only will I get to go to Istanbul for a Friday-Monday trip, but that I will get to meet up with my family here in Europe, something I've been dying to do since my parents were here last September!! Incredible! And literally, an instant response rate! Less than one week ago I wrote a list of my top spots to hit, as well as put a post-it on my desktop!
Another thing, I've been incredibly adamant about looking on the bright side of things, but tomorrow in my schedule at the high school, I have first period (8:15-9:15), third period (10:15-11:15), and fifth period (12:45-13:45). It's not really ideal, because it's every-other-hour, meaning I have two semi-awkward breaks in between classes. Not to mention that I'm talking about Thanksgiving, and doing the exact same presentation three times in one morning doesn't really get a girl too excited. But, I was channeling gratitude and joy just the same. Well, moments ago, the coordinator for the auxiliary program writes me to tell me I don't have to go to first period, because the group has a field trip!! Whhaaa!! Awesome! So now, not only do I not have to do the same presentation three times tomorrow (the same one I did already once today), but I don't even start till 10:15!!
One last "coincidence" (a concept I don't believe in at all, by the way)... last week, when I was writing out my lesson plans for this week, for some reason, I didn't write anything in the boxes I usually use for the private class I have on Mondays and Wednesdays. Why? Who knows. But, yesterday, I was talking to my student about what time we were going to have class, and he decided that it would be better if we waited till December to restart the classes. (((!!!!!!Whhhaattt!?!?!?!)))
So for all of you out there that think this manifest destiny stuff is a crock-of-crap, I suggest rethinking it! I can't even tell you how many things like this have happened to me in the last couple months, nor how many have happened every time I decide to stop being lazy with the thoughts I entertain! It's the real deal, man, and it's pretttyyy sweeeet! Give it a shot, and let me know what freaky-cool things come to pass in your life!
I lovelovelovelovelove you! You're magic, don't ever forget it! Made from start dust and sand? Couldn't be any cooler if you tried! Big kisses and hugs to all my sisters and brothers from above!
Blessings, Love & Light Beauties