Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Abundant Blessings

As I sit here trying to figure out how to begin this, let alone what I'm even trying to say, I am at a loss, because I am so overwhelmed with joy and contentment, that words don't seem to be an accurate way to portray what it is I'm experiencing.

So I guess I'll begin with this... this year, I am working two teaching jobs -- one in the same high school I was in last year as the auxiliary (language and culture assistant), and another as an actual English professor in an academy. I work at the high school in the mornings/early afternoons, then work in the language school in the afternoons until nine o'clock at night, Monday through Thursday. Some weeks, I'm overwhelmed, I'm running around, I don't have time to go to the store or do anything but eat, sleep, think, and do work. I am waking up, going to work, coming home, putting together more work, and then going to bed reviewing it all, just so I could wake up six hours later and do it all again.

The couple weeks leading into Halloween, it went like that. I was so, so busy, I was up until midnight doing work each night, then up in the morning to get ready to go, putting in 12 hour days, and barely having time to stop and sit without getting up and onto the next task.

I'd like to take a moment to point out that I realize how insanely blessed I am, not just to have work, but to have the hours I do. They can be tiring and tough, but they could be so much worse, and be spent with people that are not-so-nice. And I am aware that there are people who work much harder and longer than I, but, that doesn't negate the fact that. . .

The one and only thing that got me through those weeks of long hours was, without a doubt, God. When I felt too overwhelmed, I thought about God; when I set my alarm for the next morning and realized I wasn't going to get enough hours to constitute a good night's sleep before a long day, I thought about God; and when I was rushing around from one classroom to the next, frazzled as could be, I thought about God. And I can honestly say, that had I not been keeping Him in mind, and remembering that I am not in this and doing life on my own, I would probably have wound up in a tired, run-down, mess of tears at least a few times.

It was so amazing to remind myself that God is always with me, always helping me, and that when I would start to think, "Oh my gosh, how am I going to....," the thought process would stop, and instead switch to, "My God will give me the energy and strength I need to do all things." And guess what? He did! Instead of going into my classes tired, annoyed, and rude, I went in laughing, joking, smiling, and keeping love and light in my heart. Instead of quitting one of them and getting caught up thinking I couldn't do it, I was assuring myself that, "I am a strong and capable woman. I can do all things. And my cup is overflowing with energy and love!" It was a real test, and I am so happy to say that I passed it with a rainbow flowing behind me!

Things cooled off last week, and since then, have been much more relaxed. I haven't had some classes because of field trips and exams, and I am finding myself strangely ahead of my lesson plans for my classes at the academy. And then, the biggest moment of reassurance came, in the form of my daily devotional.

And can I just take a minute to give some serious praise to Sarah Young's, Jesus Calling? This little daily devo book is really what has brought me up, out, and above in the last ten months, and I am so stoked that it is part of my life and daily practices! Check it out if you have the chance!

But yes, so, this little book once again delivered to me an amazing message, that really helped me ease into a state of relaxation and assurance that I might not had felt in a few weeks. It came on November 12th, and said,

"This is a time of abundance in your life. Your cup runneth over with blessings. After plodding uphill for many weeks, you are now traipsing through lush meadows drenched in warm sunshine. I want you to enjoy to the full this time of ease and refreshment..."

I mean, wow! I was already getting a sense that my week was going to be less hectic than the ones that had come before it, but when I read that, I was so overcome with joy and this incredible light, grateful feeling. I think I took a trip to the clouds as I read those lines! 

God is so good! He is so amazing! He is the reason why I am here, the reason why I shine like I do, and the only reason why I am not tempted to hit a kid who can't find it possible to stay silent or in his seat! Without God, I would be such a wrecked mess. I would be a horrible teacher, and I would be emitting a nasty level of toxicity into the universe, which hurts US ALL. 

I left home in January, not knowing exactly what was to come to me, but knowing that God had put it in my heart to return. And since I have returned, I have come to have a deeper, stronger, and more intimate relationship with Him than I have had in YEARS. Since I have returned, I have learned to speak and understand another language; two or three if you include all the language I've learned that can't be categorized as "English," "Spanish," "Arabic," "French," "Portuguese," etc, but instead classified as human interaction, connection, and understanding. And since I have returned, I have come to love teaching, a profession I always swore off due to a lack of patience, which is something else I have gained since I returned to Spain, and thought I never could possess. 

The lessons, memories, moments, people, places, God and self I have gained in the last 10 months are incredible, and I am feeling so outrageously blessed. Every day I ask God to continue to bless me, and that my life might be a blessing to others. And I know He is answering these prayers. I can feel it, and I can see it through my human interactions. 

Life is such a beautiful thing when we open our hearts, release all we are, and just give it up to God! I hope that you are all living abundantly, and if not, trying to do so! And I hope that the love and light I am pouring out finds you in whatever moment you're in, and settles with you, to make your heart happy!

I love you world, I love you universe, and God, my God, my gosh, how I love you! 

Blessings, Love & Light sweet beings, go with the love and the light, it will always bring you the most joy!

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing Allison. I'm glad you are doing so well in life! God is good!!! :D
