I've got to level with you... As loving/loved as I felt on my birthday, in a lot of ways, I didn't honor the day like I personally should have. I went against a lot of the wisdom I've gained over the years, and actually spent the majority of the day in a semi-erratic and fully-charged state.
When I woke up/got up and was immediately handed a package, I took it in my room, and had half a mind not to open it yet. I thought, "Hmm, I should write/pray/meditate first, then open it. It won't change anything about the package, but it could change my day."
Well. I opened the package, knowing I'd want to Instagram a picture of the contents after (which I didn't do in the end, because, why?), which would mean turning on my phone, notifications, checking in, and the start of that day's tech craze. And it did. Considering I was awake at 9:15 and up by 9:45, the whole morning/afternoon seemed to fly by, and I've still very little idea what I actually accomplished.
Now, I'm a firm believer in doing things on "big, special/important days" (i.e. New Year's, birthdays, etc) that will set the tone for the rest of the year. So if I consider how I spent my 26th, well, let's just say, I'd rather it not be a reflection of my 26th year. Because, as I said, I was in a bit of an over-energized mess.
But I also believe I have the power to change it all in an instant. So no, I don't think it's a real preview into my coming year.
(Followed by restaurant recommendations in Napoli from my seatmate.:)
I still don't really have the faintest idea of how I spent that entire morning and afternoon. All I know, is that every time I checked the clock, I was shocked how much time had passed. I know I wrote a post, did some Facebook-ing, and made myself an amazing birthday brunch, but I'd thought I'd accomplish much more in the time I had. I mean, I did put more blue dye in my hair, let it sit, shower, and lay out the clothes I'd pack for the trip, but I was pretty frazzled the entire time. I think that I got so excited by the package, then so excited by the love you all were leaving me, it just sent me into hyper-speed, and I was cranked up all day long on love and waaaa-hoooo! energy!
However, I'm happy to report that the days following my birthday buzz have not followed in suit. Although, I have noticed large amounts of time flying by much quicker than I'd expect them to. Hmm.. But as I decided in that moment of paranoia and thinking, "Oh no, I've set the tone for my year, and it's going to be an insane one." I believe I have the power to change everything in an instant. And I do. So instead of actually letting it become the mold for all the days to follow, I told myself that each moment is, while connected to the rest, also very independent of them, and can therefore be taken control of. And I have. And 26 has been great so far!
Italy was one of the most amazing trips I've ever taken, and I am working on the posts to introduce you all to what might be my favorite country thus far. Aside from that, I've started some new practices, determined my Daily Practice (as suggested by the successful James Altucher), started writing my first book (!!!!!), and am feeling great about what's going to happen in my life this year! Yay :)
How are you doing? How are you feeling? Where's you head at these days? You doing anything to increase your brain's capacities? Use both sides at once? Strengthen and tone it up a bit? Hope so! If you've got some good tricks on how to work your brain, leave a comment below! Or, if you need someone to talk to, feel free to get in touch, as well! ily <3
Blessings, Love, Light & Wonder,
Allison :)
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