Monday, January 30, 2012

Blast From The Past

My high school days caught up to me today when in the mail I received a letter. It came incognito, disguised as a letter from my mom, but as soon as I began to carefully open the envelope, it was clear there was more to be discovered than a $9 dividend check from some stock I apparently own.

At first I thought "like mother, like daughter" at the doodles that were drawn on the envelope, but then started to realize that it was a design that I myself had done sometime in the past. I figured that it was a letter I had sent to a friend years before, that hadn't reached them, and was now coming back my way. (And no, it never crossed my mind that it was a little strange that the letter was being returned to the sender years later. Probably should have been my first indication, but hey, that's my life..) But after looking at the to/from sections, I realized that it was something that I had obviously written to myself sometime in the past. How exciting! I truly thought I had gotten some sort of "message-in-a-bottle" / stepped into some sort of time machine. The messages (to myself) on the outside of the envelope said things like, "Ready to remember?" And, "Memories rush back." And the "biggest message" I wanted my 5-years-older-self to consider, "After 5 years, it finally got back. Take a breath, be nostalgic first!" Now considering that I had no idea what had "gotten back to me," I was a little confused to say the least. After I got over my nerves and decided that opening and reading the contents before my work-out would hopefully not make a difference, I proceeded with great caution. Needless to say, I was beyond shocked when what came out was a collection of photos, a piece of binder paper folded hot dog style, and other folded up pieces of paper containing writing.

After a heavy duty case of laughing in solitude at the pictures (and captions I had included on the back), I decided it was time to get down to business and see what the heck was going on. I started by reading the little messages that a teacher, close friends, and boyfriend at the time had written, then made my way to the main attraction of the whole package...a list. The list is 50 life-goals that I made for myself during the beginning of my second semester of my senior year of high school. Some of them included things like the following:

  • Quit smoking cigarettes (CHECK, since September 5th, 2010!)
  • Avoid major trouble (CHECK!)
  • Work hard in college (Eh......)
  • Stay positive and bright (CHECK & then some!)
  • Get a 6 pack (Uh....jokes are always good in a goal-list, right!?)
  • Study abroad (CHHHECK!!)
  • Own at least one horse
  • Own a cow (Don't laugh, it's still on my list!)
  • Go to NY
  • Berlin Love Parade (Unfortunately won't ever happen considering that tragedy has resulted in it no longer being an event.)
  • Dance on the Great Wall of China (still intend to do so)
  • Find a true love
  • Decide to get married or not (still deciding.....)
  • Be rich enough not to work, and do charity (still my ultimate goal)
  • Skydive (Something I didn't realize was a goal back then, but has become one in the last year. Simply because I have an extreme fear of heights.)
  • Be more spiritual (always a work in progess)

Some I will never be able to accomplish (ie. going to Pepperdine and the Berlin Love Parade), but I am very proud to say that many I have, and still intend to, check off (ie. spend time in Australia, remain a happy person, go to France, learn how to wake-board, live a satisfying life, and etc.). But in all honesty, reading the goals I wrote out for myself 5 years ago wasn't as entertaining as the side-notes I had left for my older self.

One in particular is a little blurb in which I wrote, "Still crazy? Still the girl that wants to make mistakes and learn from them? Still loving your time on earth? Still smiling at strangers? Hope so!" I was so happy to know that I am, for the most part, still that same person 5 years later. :) I still turn the hole punches of my binder paper into mowhaked men, I still rep "Peace && Love," and I still consider happiness to be one of the only things that matters in this life.

Today's Quote: "A healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier." -Tom Stoppard

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Big Two-One

It is one of the most anticipated landmarks in a person's life. It literally opens doors everywhere you go, and gives your weekends that little kick they need after years of house partying have become something of a bore. It brings a new level of convenience to your life that you never before could understand. And it is one of the craziest, most celebrated days in a person's life. And it is... your 21st birthday!

I personally think that celebrating the "big 2-1" is right up there with the likes of a wedding reception. People come out of the wood works when there's a 21st to be celebrated, and everyone is ready to get wild and have a good time. It is such a joy to spend your time and money getting someone else completely plastered, and a joy that I feel is surrounding my life quite a lot as of late. At least one person I know is turning 21 this weekend,  not to mention the gradual increase in our 21-club members from the polo team, and many of my friends also have other friends or relatives turning the glorified age this weekend. It is an exciting and celebratory time for all of us, and I think that's one of the reasons why I love them so much. Anytime I get to see someone looking that happy and having that much fun, not to mention contribute to it, I am living on a high! Birthdays make people feel loved like never before, and like the world is their playground (which for some, birthdays mean it is..). Everyone is there for you, because of you, to help you have the best time ever. How awesome is that? I really can't think of anything better (other than being one of the people to help the birthday gal or guy feel such a way). And the moods that come along with birthday celebrations seem to cover any range of happy, positive, and care-free that you can imagine! People don't show up to a birthday party pissed off or wanting to cause problems, but instead they come through the door shouting "happy birthdays" and screaming with joy. Ahh yes, birthday season has begun, and I couldn't be happier!

Here are a couple of the photos that were produced as a result of my 21st birthday. I went to Dublin, Ireland with a multi-racial group of Americans, Frenchies, Australians, Norwegians, and Finns (Finland) and had one heck of a time!
 Quite an exceptional group of ladies, if I do say so myself ;)
One of my supremely great birthday faces..

Today's Quote: "How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?" -Satchel Paige

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Try, Try Again!

You know when life throws a lemon in your face resulting in your eyes stinging, your vision going, and you being unable to do anything for a little while till the acidity is flushed out? Well, that is apparently what happened to me this morning when I tried to do the Spain application and thought that they were no longer accepting them. I'm still not sure what I did to get the disheartening message that I did, but I was completely wrong. What I was trying to do was to start a new application, when all I needed to do was "Acesso" (access) the one I had already begun. (I mean, DUH! But really, if you were going through the process, you would surely not be thinking that I'm as big of a dumb arse as you are right now.;)

A.D.D. Drift/Back Story: While I was studying abroad I became good friends with a girl from North Dakota named Megan. She graduated last spring, and moved back to Spain in the summer to be a teaching assistant through NALCAS. She is the one who told me about the opportunity and sparked my initial interest in the whole thing, and the one who has answered my multitude of questions throughout my elongated application process. Pretty much, without her, I would be a lost infant crawling around the busy streets of NYC. (Big ups and thanks to my girl Meg!)

Upon sharing the link to my last post, Disaster Strikes, she commented on the fact that it was a bummer that I couldn't apply, but that she was a little surprised it was even closed. So I went back on the dreadful website and decided I would play around a little bit more. Now, my comprehension level of Spanish is embarrassingly low considering I lived there for nine months, but luckily my reading abilities are a bit better, and my curiosity and no-problem-just-clicking-any-button-attitude are unwavering. (Not to mention that Google translate can be surprisingly accurate/give you just enough to figure out what is being said.;) After pushing some random buttons whose meanings I vaguely understood (ok, more than vaguely considering that "acesso" is pretty much identical to "access"), and clicking around a bit more, I realized that I had simply been pushing the wrong "mystery buttons" all along!

Bottom-line: I HAVE COMPLETED MY APPLICATION!!! :D :D :D I have proven to be good on my word, and completed a MAJOR task that I have been wanting, needing, and intending to do for the last 2 1/2 months! Man, it feels great!

And now that I've done that, I am realizing that I think my disappointment in "not being able to apply" before was more in the fact that I didn't complete something I had been saying I would. I am continuously making plans that either fall through or never happen, so it's very nice to know that's not as much of a habit as I had once thought. Now I just wait till approximately May to see if I have been accepted or not. Prayers and support are appreciated and welcome!

This photo is to represent that no matter how dark it is or seems to be, the sun will always come up!

Today's SECOND Quote is a passage that comes from a daily devotional book that I have. I know that you might not all be religious, or even give a darn about anything of the sort, but no matter what you believe, there's a part of this passage rings true in everyone's lives and is a good reminder.

"Give up the illusion that you deserve a problem-free life. Part of you is still hungering for the resolution of all difficulties. This is a false hope! As I told My disciples, in the world you will have trouble. Link your hope not to problem solving in this life but to the promise of an eternity of problem-free life in heaven." -Sarah Young's Jesus Calling (p 27)

Disaster Strikes

You know how they say "what goes up, must come down?" Well, I think that applies to much more than the forces of gravity that are involved in regards to an object being tossed. I was living my life on such a high for so unnaturally long that it was destined to start to fall at some point. Everything was going so well. My days were full of positive thoughts, good vibes, and tons of love from the people around me. Constant smiles, laughter, and good times filled my time, and I couldn't believe how blessed I was to be living it all! But all good things must come to an end (which I don't fully believe), and all little girls must grow up and get a bit of a grip...

As promised, I set my alarm to wake up this morning so I could really put some time into finishing my application to Spain. I woke up when it went off (almost an hour beforehand because of some incredibly weird SciFi dreams I was having. One in particular involved me having the super power of changing from my human form into Randall from Monsters Inc.... don't ask, haha), stretched out, and even skipped the liberty of relieving myself to grab my computer and get the application done first thing. But you know how yesterday I said that "all the planning in the world could fail you when the time actually comes"? Well, that is exactly what happened to me this morning when I found out that there are no longer any applications being taken for the NALCAS. FML, right? But actually, and surprisingly, no.

Almost as soon as I decided that I was going to apply to go abroad as a teaching assistant back in October, the uneasy and unsure feelings started to set in. (I could have assumed that would happen, because with almost any decision in my life, I either regret it or wish I'd gone with the other option immediately after. Just one of the many things that makes living my life and mind ever-changing and hard to keep up with.) And by the time finals week had ended and I'd made it my mission to submit my application, I knew that wasn't what I really wanted to do, or felt I was really supposed to do. I briefly mentioned this to my parents, but the general consensus was that I should just apply anyways because I could deny the opportunity further along if, at that time, I still felt I didn't want to go back abroad in that way. Of course I still want to move back to Spain and continue my Spanish education, travel, explore, and reconnect with my familial friends over there, but I'm not sure what it was, something about doing it through NALCAS just wasn't right. I am a firm believer in gut feelings, signs, and everything happening for a reason. So this morning I couldn't help but feel a little wave of "I knew it wasn't what I was supposed to do" when I saw that there were no longer openings. Naturally I am annoyed at myself for not just sacking up and doing it earlier, but not nearly as much as I expected. I think in all honesty I feel kinda relieved. I have a very strong feeling that I am supposed to, against all my previous desires, begin a career job of some sort, or at least a more serious one, then I can really start saving up to take the Euro-trip I've always dreamed of. Pure travel, no responsibilities other than to enjoy myself and take the cities I visit for all their worth, and then return ready to "get serious" and settle down. So now I begin my search for my next great endeavor! I hope you're excited, because I will be dragging you through my adventures whether you're kicking and screaming, or enjoying it!

Today's Quote: "I know the plans I have for you, and they are good." Jeremiah 29:11

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Part Of Your World

As I walked on my old college campus yesterday (and yes, I fully intend to ignore the fact that it's only been my old campus as of about a month ago:), I felt more nostalgic than I dreamed possible. And to be quite frank, I felt a bit like Ariel from The Little Mermaid. I had "Part of Your World" playing in my head on repeat, much to my own surprise. But before I get on with my point, I will take you on a drift/story-sesh to inform you as to why I was even wandering on the campus in the first place. And so we find ourselves going back to the thing that originally gave me the idea for the title of this blog...

A.D.D. Drift: Yesterday I went out to tea, and when I left my roommate on the couch watching the latest episode of The Bachelor (By the way, Ben F., you're off your rocker if you can't see the Courtney that everyone else does. And if you ever ditch Casey B., I will boycott!!!), I stupidly assumed she would still be there when I returned. Obviously I failed to realize that not everyone is living in the couch-sitting, television-watching, time-wasting period that I currently am, and actually have responsibilities and places to go/things to do, so I didn't grab a house key. So I get back from tea and I am locked out. But not just locked out, I have had to, pardon me but, use the restroom since before going to tea (over an hour by this point). Now I'm not only locked out without my house key, but I've spent the last 1.5hrs on the verge of wetting my army green skinny jeans, have no car key so that I can at least go pick up my laundry, no bike key to bike anywhere to do something in the meantime, but it's also starting to get dark (it's now about 5:30pm), which means I'm starting to get colder. And to top it off, neither of my roomies are answering their phones, and none of my neighbor friends are home, because, as previously mentioned, they have things to do with their time. So I waited outside on the porch diddling around on my phone for about 20-25 minutes before deciding it was time to become proactive. (Translation: I heard from my roomie, Toke and figured out where she was/that she would be in class till almost 9pm.) After much debate between going around the side of the house to "pop a squat," or walking to campus to pick up her key from her/using the facilities there, I finally decided that taking the short walk to campus was the best and most publicly accepted solution. And walk to campus I did! It was during this time that I..........

Can get back on the point of this whole entry :)

I was utterly surprised when I was walking on the campus. It has been just over a month since I completed my undergraduate studies, so it was shocking to be walking on campus and feel that it is still the place I belong, but also a place that I no longer feel I can call my own. I am officially an alumn, which means that while I can always consider Chico my college town, I cannot consider it to be the place where my life takes place (even though it still currently does). While I probably have countless things in common with many of the students, I am not among the student body anymore. Such a mix of emotions came over me, ranging from proud for having graduated, sad for not having more time, and excited to see what would be coming up next.

It was just another little knock on my mental door from the reality I now face. Growing up is weird my friends. It's not as much fun as we think it is when we're 8-years old, wearing our mom's make-up all over our faces, her heels that are 5+ sizes too big, and dresses that could fit us, and all our friends inside. It's messy, it's unpredictable, and all the planning in the world could fail you when the time actually arrives. But I do not say all of this to be disheartening or pessimistic, even if it may come off in that way. I'm just taking you all along on my up and down life ride! So strap in, because it's been, and will continue to be, a wild one :)

Now I will leave you with this little tid-bit. And always remember that no matter how much you may feel like you "want to be a part of their world," chances are that someone is looking in on yours and thinking the exact same thing!

Today's Quote: "He who has a why to live can bear almost any how." -Friedrich Nietzsche

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Just My Timing

Another day, another dollar! The phrase goes something like that, but for this gal right here..not quite. Day two of my no school/no work/no gym life has brought me some very new insight. And a realization that I really do want to be productive with my time (yay, go me!). Which if you could see me now, I'm sure you would agree. What with me sitting in my insanely comfortable bed of pillows and comforters and all, hah. And I'm sure you're all wondering if I finished my Spain app like I had so valiantly said I would (yesterday), and to that the answer is...NOPE! But hey, wait a second before you get all "go figure" on me!

Now, if you are going to be taken along on this ride I call my life, there is something you should know about me...I generally have the WORST timing when it comes to anything. Deadlines? Expect whatever it is to get to you practically moments before. (Unless it involves me coordinating/planning any sort of trip/event/etc.) Boys? I seem to always be finding one that could maaaaybe be a potential, but only he's either leaving the country soon, already graduated and moved away from where we've both, coincidentally, been living for years, he comes along the same time as another great find, or the timing is entirely off just because I am perpetually unprepared or unavailable in some capacity. You're out somewhere? We might as well just coordinate what time you'll be leaving, because that's when I'll likely be ready to go meet you. Eating? I can't time a meal worse. I cook and eat, then a roomie cooks, which makes me have immediate food envy and be so upset that I'm not also eating then (even though I'm full off my....). Another example: every time I am at work and snag bites of my snack bar or take my break (for which I've taken 3 in the whole 2.5 months I've worked there), I end up not having to stay and work for more than 45 minutes. Meaning: I could have likely waited and then satisfied myself with a real meal and skipped the extra calories from that delicious MoJo Bar.

You see what I mean?

And I'm pretty sure that's just the tip of the iceberg. I could probably go on for much longer about my bad timing, but will spare you and get back on track!

Yesterday I had made it my goal to finish the application to go abroad to Spain as a teaching assistant. I vowed I would not go to sleep until I had finished every part that needed to be done. I would complete the online portion, upload all the necessary documents, dot the "I's" and cross the "T's," all that jazz, and mail in the printed portion. So it just totally figures that on this day where I have decided with such vigor to complete this task that has been looming over my head and needing to be done since November (applications aren't due till the end of March though, so don't think I'm slacking too hard;), that the website is down for maintenance. The days that I cannot access it due to this maintenance? The 23-25!! The three days in a row where I have NOTHING to do (other than during the late-night when I'm called to be one of the assistant coaches to the women's water polo team).

THIS is how I feel when I think about it! But add a little cross-eyed action and my mouth contorting a little more into an "Ohhhh myyyyyy goshhhh." But the part where my head is about to explode off the northern end, that is entirely accurate.

Luckily I don't have work until four on Thursday, so I can set an early alarm (like 10:30am, let's be real..) and get that ish done before I have to go in! And I do solemnly swear, that I will not let Friday hit until I have raped that application of all its life and submitted it like I intended to do before the New Year! RAWR!

Today's Quote relates directly to time: "I took some time out for life." Story of my life James L. Brooks, story of my life!

Happy reading and a happy life are wished upon you all :)

Monday, January 23, 2012

*Knock Knock* Who's There? LIFE.

Pretty funny joke eh? NOT. Today marks the first day of the spring semester for thousands of students everywhere, as well as a SERIOUS smack in the face from reality and my life. I knew all along that when today came it would really hit me that I no longer am a student, and that it's time to get my life going, but I didn't realize how directionless it would make me feel. I don't have work this week except for Thursday, I can't get into the gym until it's time for the girls' practice (as I am one of the assistant coaches), and  I don't have classes to attend, as we've previously reviewed. Conclusion: I HAVE NOTHING GOING ON IN MY LIFE!! 8-O Waaaaaaa!!!

So what's this almost-23-year old gal supposed to do with her time of nothing-ness? Get into some new shows that are On Demand of course! Alcatraz and The Finder are my chosen ones :) Alcatraz had me hooked before the first commercial break came on, with all of it's mystery, crime, and action; and let's face it, I am no way going to not be obsessed with The Finder when it stars Geoff Stults! Can you say hunk!? And it also stars, in the words of Chelsea Handler, one of my favorite Chocolate Chunks, Michael Clark Duncan. But real talk, my goals for the day are to finish my application for the North American Language and Culture Assistants in Spain (finally...), as well as seek out other employment opportunities (those that are more along the "career path").

This week is officially a wake-up call to the fact that that whole phrase about today deciding tomorrow is more flipping true than I could have ever imagined. I've always known that whatever I'm currently doing is the status of my life, but now I really realize it. Me sitting here on my couch watching the first episode of The Finder is absolutely no way close to making a right step towards a positive future. I am not sleeping tonight until I finish my Spain app, and accomplish a couple more tasks of productivity on my to-do list. I also really need to figure out this whole gym thing.. I wonder if I can be a spin instructor without being a trained instructor? Guess there's no time like the present to find out, huh? ;)

I am taking things on with a whole new view on being productive. I think it helps knowing that everyone around me is being productive (ie. working, going to school, etc), so it makes me want to show that I'm not just doing nothing, but instead doing something! It's your life people, and you've gotta take a hold of the reigns and steer it in the direction that you want it to go! And I know for a fact I don't want mine going onto the couch everyday!

Today's Quote: "Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present." -Jim Rohn

Thursday, January 19, 2012


This whole game of life is quite an interesting one. We're born a beautiful ball of wonder and joy, with nothing in our minds other than all the colors, voices, and sounds around us. We can't talk, walk, and we can barely even express ourselves. Then as we grow up we learn how to crawl, which turns into walking (with the help of the most sturdy object around us), and eventually we can walk on our own, run, skip, and dance. Our whole lives consistent of chapters. For many like myself those chapters include pre-school, kindergarten, middle school, junior high, high school, college, and then. . .?

It is at this new, unknown, and unguided chapter that I find myself. Not sure of where I will end up, what I will do, who will be in my life, or if I will even be alive. I know that last one is a bit of a morbid direction to take things, but let's face it, I'm here to tell the raw truth. 

For many people out there, like my sister, they grow up knowing what they would like to do with their lives. They go through high school and apply to the universities that offer the best programs for their desired studies, and then go to college and study just that. Next comes graduating and beginning a career that they have always known to be "just what they wanted to do." But there's also a handful of us out there who know very little about what we want to do, and to be honest, for us it kinda sucks. Of course I enjoy the thrill of the unknown, but when the unknown is my entire future, it becomes a bit scarier. I think I would be more excited about the prospect of moving to a foreign country where I don't speak the language or know anyone, than not know in the slightest what my future has in store for me. 

I am a college grad who is still living in Chico (where I graduated), working a minimum wage job, part-time (and that's if I'm lucky that week). And since completing my studies in mid-December, I can't even tell you how many times I've had moments of, "What the fudge am I doing with my life!?" or "Is this really what I'm doing with my life right now!?" 8O =/ =E I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but I currently can't seem to see even a sliver of it. My usual positive, adventurous, don't-worry-everything-will-be-alright attitude is failing to make an appearance tonight, and I can only pray that it will strike up again in the morning. 

The world we live in is a very large place. One that holds many opportunities, chances, and destinies. And while I "wait around" for mine to find me, I can't help but reflect back on all those that have come and gone in my life and wonder if maybe one of them was "the one." But then again, I suppose if the "right" opportunity has come and gone, it wasn't ever right from the start...right? I would like to believe that we all end up where we're supposed to be, doing exactly what we're intended to be doing, but the impatient side of me is flipping out that the next big thing in my life hasn't taken form.

I have tomorrow off and think it is time for me to begin writing the next chapter of my life. I can't sit here and wait around for someone to start doing it for me, they need to be busy writing their own! Alas, this blog has once again proved to be an excellent form of self-therapy! :) So now that I am beginning to see a glimmer of light at the end of one [of my] tunnel[s], I will bid you all a'due! Get out there and write your story! 

Because, "If you can dream it, you can achieve it." -Walt Disney

Monday, January 16, 2012

Bi-Blogging and Coachella Bound

As if I don't already have a hard enough time posting on this blog, I have taken on the task of a second! My "brother" and I have decided to start a blog and write about the Coachella Music Festival! The blog that we started is The Coachella Scoop. We will be posting daily and highlighting the different artists that will be at the festival, as well as any updates, information, or contests that we come across. We are both avid music lovers, who have "dedicated our lives" to festivals and gatherings that try to promote and encourage a peaceful, loving lifestyle. So follow us on this epic journey, and get ready to have your eardrums ignited with some new sounds! (Can you say eargasm!?) 

The festival is held in Southern California in Indio, and lasts for three days. This is the first year that they have made the festival take place two different weekends, but that didn't stop tickets from selling out within hours of them going on sale this past Friday! I have never been to Coachella before, so I am incredibly excited about the prospect of going this year (weekend two, see you there!). For three whole days we festi folk will have our insides twisted to the glorious sounds from the likes of The Black Keys, M83, Swedish House Mafia, Pulp, Arctic Monkeys, Afrojack, Madeon, Datsik, Alesso, R3hab, Wolf Gang, Radiohead, Bon Iver, Dr. Dre & Snoop Dogg, The Shins, David Guetta, Kaskade, Miike Snow, Feist, St. Vincent, SBTRKT, Awolnation, Kasabian, At The Drive-In, Justice, Florence and the Machine, Avicii, La Roux, Beirut, The Weeknd, Girl Talk, Calvin Harris, The Hives, Dada Life, Porter Robinson, Beats Antique, and TONS more! 

We shall see how this bi-blogging life works for me, but I think it will encourage me to be more consistent with this one, and give me some insight to the artists that I will be seeing in 93 days! Just another little chapter of this crazy, beautiful life! :) 

Today's Quote: In honor of this lovely holiday, "Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." -Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

Guilty Pleasures Chapter 1: SHOWS

We all have them, we all succumb to them, and all secretly obsess over them-- guilty pleasures. 

Those shows, people, treats, or activities that we just can't help but love and enjoy, but would probably prefer that the rest of the world not be aware of them. Why is that? Is it because we're embarrassed? Because when it comes to a guilty pleasure that's a television show, we really shouldn't be. For example: Mob Wives, Jersey Shore, and Glam Fairy. Whoops, did I really just admit mine to the entire World Wide Web!? 8O Hmm, well now this is a bit awkward, buuuuutttt...moving forward! As I was saying, we really shouldn't be ashamed that we secretly are addicted to these shows because we clearly aren't the only ones. They wouldn't be on the air if there weren't thousands or millions of people who watch them, so why feel the need to watch it when there's no one around? (But I am so NOT ashamed of loving Mob Wives, only because I know that it's not the best content to be watching, but let's face it...these b***** are CRAYZEEE and oh-so entertaining!)

I have never watched a "reality" show that I felt truly had as much reality in it. These women are out of their flipping minds, and I love it (to the tune of the song, of course). They scream, yell, fight, flip out, swear, and gosh dang I love that Staten Island accent! I think I find it easier to buy into the "reality" of this show because they've grown up in the mob lifestyle, and that's just something you can't fake. The fights they get in are prompted for all I know, and it really upsets me that the security guys jump in within seconds to try and stop them, but they are really throwing those punches! I rarely see blood, which is a little disappointing (sorry God, I know I shouldn't be hoping for that, but I can't particularly help it with gals like them), but it's still really invigorating to watch women who are so very different from myself. I do have a little fire cracker inside, but I am so not a physical combat person. (It'll come out of me in a polo game if some trick starts it, but I will never be the one to initiate the unnecessary contact.) Not really much of a combat person at all for that matter. (INCREASE THE PEACE! And yes, I am trying to use subliminal blogging;) But watching these women is like watching the Bad Girls Club and they make you wanna be FIERCE! And I think it's good to have a little fierceness in your life. :) 

The most fascinating shows to me are the ones where the stars have that New York or Rhode Island accent and the people in them are completely OUTRAGEOUS. As you can clearly see from my choice of guilty pleasures: Mob Wives, J. Shore (Though not so pleasureable anymore, but PAULY D & VINNY, if you ever see this, HIT ME UP! I think you two plus my friends and I could have a real blast being total weird-os together:), and Glam Fairy, haha. Whenever the stars of a show are out of their minds and publicly show it, I am infatuated. People should release their inner crazy more often. Not to say get publicly smashed out of your mind and run around screaming, fighting, or etc, but ya know, it's good to get a little wild every once in a while. (Attention People: Please do not become like the starts of these shows though!)

I can feel myself digressing from the initial topic I wanted to address, so I will end it here. (I forgot to take my A.D.D. medication today, and have work in the morning so sleep is a bit necessary.) I pose a task to you all though! Next time an opportunity presents itself for you to do something you might not normally do, or something that scares you, TAKE IT! DO IT! "The things you're scared of are usually the most worth-while." -Chasing Liberty

Today's MAIN Quote: This one comes from the late and wonderful Steve Jobs, "When you're young, you look at television and think, there's a conspiracy. The networks have conspired to dumb us down. But when you get a little older, you realize that's not true. The networks are in business to give people exactly what they want." Well said Steve, well said. (Rest In Paradise)

And gooooooodnight!

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Waiting Room

Four words for you: Doctor's office waiting room OR three: pharmacy waiting room.

My definition: A gathering place for people with an assortment of ailments, all waiting to be seen, treated, and helped. They all tend to have the same looks on their faces, that vary from "I am on my death bed," to "Hurry up and get me the hell out of here," to "This is so boring," and my personal favorite and most sported, "Wow, this shiz on the tv is so weird."

Currently I am entertained by what I assume to be one of the Homeward Bound movies, and can't help but think who their audience is. I am not in pediatrics, I graduated from that segment a couple years ago, thank you very much! ;) And as interested as I am in finding out if Otis will find food to take back to Sonja and their newborn pups (he just did, thank goodness)....ah to heck with it, I am highly entertained and interested in this movie. And there you have it, a true depiction of my ever, and easily, changing mind.

Now to get back on track...

One thing I love about the waiting room is the constant reminder it brings of hope and equality. There are people of all ages, ethnicities, backgrounds, and education levels here. We are all in the same, imperfect condition as the stranger next to us. All waiting to make the slightest improvement to ourselves through the use of medical attention and care, and all reliant of medication to help us "feel better."

Another thing I enjoy is the mystery of it all. I could be in a room with someone who had just been told they've only got a week left, a person with bipolar disorder, someone with the common cold, or a person who's just had reconstructive surgery on their butt. It's quite thrilling to sit and wonder why each person is here.

There's the elderly woman whose eyes don't leave the screen where names are posted when the refills are ready, the elderly man with his outstretched legs, tapping with vigor as he awaits what comes next, the tiny child who runs around yelling, bored out of their mind and wanting nothing more than to use the chairs as a jungle gym, and all the others. Quite an eclectic setting.

Me, myself, and I are here waiting for a refill on one of my inhalers, my asthma pill, and my most recent prescription (like, 20 min ago recent), for this horribly unattractive mess that has taken over my upper back. Gross right? But not to fear, with 5 weeks of a special body shampoo it will be gone! And I'm sure some of you are even wondering why I would share such a thing, and to that the answer is fairly simple. I vowed to always be honest with you, and I want this blog to really be a reflection on my life. After all, it's called A.D.D. Adventures, and this shiz on my back is definitely an adventure!

If you are ever feeling a little down, like you just aren't cute enough, or this or that is wrong with you and it sucks, just remember that no one is perfect. There will always be someone out there with a problem worse than yours, in a situation far more disheartening than you (not referring to myself and my Tinea Versicolor). Keep your head up, because when you're down, the only place left to go is up!

Friday, January 6, 2012


I'm sure you're all thinking to yourselves, "my, what a clever title that is," and I assure you it is. But while I wish I could take the credit, I must be sure to give it to its rightful source, my little sister, Katie Marie. My family and I were driving in our lovely red rental coming back from the Grand Canyon a few weeks ago and I mentioned that we are "foreign" in Arizona. She then proceeded to come up with "Califoreign," which is very suiting. While the people don't speak with some sort of unknown accent, there are many differences between California and Arizona (I can only speak of the places I have seen: Scottsdale, Phoenix, Sedona, and the Grand Canyon). These differences include, but are not limited to the following:

+The speed limit on most of the freeways we drove was 75mph v. 65 or 70. This was SUCH an amazing thing and I highly suggest that California follow up and do the same. The pace of life has changed and sped up, it's time the speed limits follow in suit!
+People tend to follow the traffic laws, both driving and pedestrian (ie. Actually waiting to cross the street till the pedestrian crossing light comes on, slowing down when the speed limit sign instructs, and etc).
+Where we have weeds and generally ugly shrubs, they have impressive, interesting, and oh-so-cool looking cactus.
+The terrain in general has red rock and random rock/mountain mounds/formations scattered about instead of farm land or vast expanses of, nothingness.
+The climate is generally warmer, and drier.
+The people are much more natural. They wear less make-up and just "do less."
+You can be driving in the desert one hour, and in a place covered with snow the next.

Overall, I LOVED the Arizona that I saw. Especially Scottsdale and Sedona. But as I previously mentioned, my parents took me to a movie right after picking me up, so my experience in Phoenix was minimal, but very good seeing as Sherlock Holmes was so great. Excellent cinematography, story, and acting. I can't express how excited I was to see Noomi Rapace of the Swedish ( and original) version of Girl With the Dragon Tattoo! She was phenomenal. The film was full of very artistic scenes and the expected/unexpected twists you expect from Holmes. And let's be could I not be happy when I got to look at ginormous Robert Downey Jr.'s and Jude Law's beautiful faces!?! But onto the travels!

We drove from Scottsdale to the Grand Canyon, and while it was a 4 hour drive (of which approximately 2.5 I slept =/), it was incredible! The scenery was picturesque and so different from what I am used to seeing in the Golden State. 

 Sis and I getting our nap on :) 
Pinkie & Brain

 Just so you understand my family-- We flipped a U-turn on the highway so we could go back and snap this pic. And yes, I did insist that we do so. I'm sorry...
Beautiful white Birch Trees are all over

And then, we got the the South Rim of the Grand Canyon! It was one hell of a sight to see and leaves no doubt in my mind that it is one of the seven wonders of the world. It expands as far as the eye can see (here's a little perspective: to DRIVE from the South Rim to the North Rim would take about 5 hours 8-O ) and in order to get the true experience you have to stay for at least a couple hours, which is easy to do. We arrived around 12:30pm and spent the afternoon walking to the different view points and driving to the different look-outs. The colors change as the day passes, and when the shadows start to set in you can really see the details of its geography. 



I think that it is only after leaving the Canyon that you really start to appreciate its beauty and realize just how exquisite it really is. It took my family and I 10+ years to go see it, but I am glad that we went at a point in my life where I will always remember what I saw, and I have no doubt I will return. After all, I still have to take a helicopter ride above/through it. :) I highly suggest that everyone make it a goal to go see one of the wonders of the world that we happen to have right here in the U.S. Quite amazing to think about! 

Sedona was a true gem. The town is known for its red rock formations, and has the cutest area full of shops and places to dine. We had the most amazing buffalo nachos as an appetizer (I'm now hooked on buffalo meat!) in the Cowboy Club's Silver Saddle Room. I recommend stopping in to grab a bite and sip on a delicious, scrumptious, flavorful local Arizona brew if you ever find yourself in the neighborhood! I anxiously await the day I can return to Sedona and spend a bit more time there exploring all it has to offer.

The final city that I was blessed enough to see for a little while was Scottsdale. As soon as I found out that the giant "LOVE" was there, I made it my mission not to leave without getting a photo. And so I did :)

 Tried my darndest to get up in that "L"

 What can I say? They get it from their mama ;)
Sisters by chance, lovers by choice

And while the family vacation wasn't all lollipops and gum drops (but let's face it, when your family is in a car together/living together for that long, something is going to break out at some point), it was so much more fun than I could have ever expected, no offense fam! It was such a laugh-filled time and I am very excited to return to Arizona sometime and see more of what they've got to offer! 

Today's Quote: No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.” –Lin Yutang

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Reflect Without Regret

Since we are in a new year, I find it only appropriate to look back on 2011 and compile a little list that explains why life is so good. I am sitting here, up way past my bedtime once more (but then again, can I really say I have a bedtime now that my life is "in my control" and no longer dictated by school, or much of a schedule at all for that matter?), and I can't help but be overwhelmed by joy and happiness about the things I have done, experienced, encountered, and what is to come. The future may be uncertain, but if the last 22+ years are any indication of what's to come, I know there is no reason to have any fears. And while we may be five days into the new year, I would like to take a moment to thank 2011 for being oh-so good to me :)

2011 started on a cruise ship for my family and I, and I would have had no way of knowing what this year would bring for me. Some things like my last season of water polo and graduating from college were sure to happen, but I could never have expected that I would enter into 2012 with such clarity and calmness. I started 2011 with a heart overflowing with love, in a place it might never have been before. And as the spring semester passed, it continued to fill with love and grow, and I entered 2012 with a heart overflowing with a different but equally as wonderful kind of love. Yes, graduating and completing my final season of polo are sad milestones to have passed, but it is because of the following reasons that I reflect on 2011 as being one of the best I've had yet!

  • I learned to love again; to really open my heart and just let it in, and out, without holding back or fearing the outcome.
  • The water polo season wasn't our most successful as far as our record is concerned, but our friendships grew so much and are running deeper than ever before.
  • I rang in the new year (2011's) on a cruise ship with family that I love, and that can never be bad (unless of course it's the Titanic..).
  • When I thought my summer would be spent in Chico working as a lifeguard, I ended up snagging an internship at Disney's ABC! It was one of the most incredible experiences of my life, and I was finally able to move down to LA, a dream I've had since I can remember. 
    • Meeting some awesome Germans outside of a club, who ended up becoming my closest friends of the summer, and people I still plan to see in the near future.
    • Getting to hang out with my SoCal family of friends, who are some of my dearest, and my uncles that I rarely see due to the distance.
    • Expanding my family of friends through Mike CHEXXX
    • Running off to EDC Las Vegas and having one of the best weekends of my life
    • Random trip to San Diego with nothing but the clothes (swimsuits/cover-ups) we'd been wearing all day at Venice
    • Going to the Music Box too many times ;)
    • Learning about and growing to love an industry I had never considered before
    • Figuring out a little more about the things I like, and those I don't
    • Too many good times and so much love shared between new friends, who became the best of
  • Kaitlyn Tolin (Toke) moved into our house in the fall, and it became a home.
  • Ilona coming to visit from Finland
  • Rhoan coming to visit, and bringing some new Aussies into our lives as well
  • Arthur coming to visit from France with his luscious curly locks
  • Last minute decision to go to San Bern for Halloween weekend and driving, literally, almost the whole Cali coast from SF to San Bern. --Family Reunion w/ the McGeekersons.
  • Not getting worked up over school and studies, but instead investing my time in relationships and making memories that will prove to be more beneficial than any lesson they try and teach in a classroom.
  • Beginning a blog, that I will use to guide me through the rest of my days
And while there are so many other things, the one that stands out most (possibly because it is the freshest in my mind) is New Year's weekend. I still cannot get over how great it was and how much love continues to flow through our group (via Facebook groups, obviously;). It makes me think, if I feel this kind of love from my friends, then the love that God has for me must be the most overpowering thing in the world. I feel crushed its weight, but lifted up by its greatness all at the same time. And if a group of people can make me feel this way, I have nothing to fear because the love my God has for me is even greater and will carry me through everything! 

Now that I have, once again, released the positive energy and love that is within me out into the universe, I hope it finds its way to you and can help carry you through any hard time you might be facing! When things start to feel hard, just stop moving for a moment, take a deep breath, and say, "We can do it." It is something I have been practicing with vigor the last few weeks, and I have never felt more stable or guided. Sleep well my little loves, we will meet again soon :)

Today's Quote: "All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on." -Henry Ellis


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I'm On A High

Welcome to the dawn of the dead dear friends! We have made it into the talked-about 2012!! I hope that everyone out there had as lovely and memorable a new year's as I did. I spent my NYE in Lake Tahoe in the South Shore, where I attended Snow Globe Music Festival with some of the most incredible people ever to find their ways into my life! Overall, we had a group of about 20 of us that passed the love and caring on to one another the whole weekend. And while they may never see this, I have to take a moment to give a HUGE shout-out to those people who have taken control of my heart and entered into the new year with me, in only a way that this group can together!! 

The festival was out of this world, to say the least. Having a music festival of this sort in Tahoe is ingenious and I am thrilled to see it happen more often. The setting was incredible; the Lake Tahoe Community College provided us with amazing grounds to dance, frolic, and play around on. The main stage was idyllic on the football field, and at any given moment if you were to look around you would see the beautiful, tall trees surrounding you in the clearing (the field), and straight above was the night sky. Now, if you've never seen the night sky in Tahoe or any other place with a higher elevation, I suggest you put it on your bucket list and do not pass before you have seen it! The sky is so dark and lovely, and the stars shine brighter than you've ever seen them before. It will literally take your breath away and cause you to stare in awe and wonder at its beauty. 

But not only was the setting absolutely wonderful, the people were of the highest caliber. Especially those from our very own Don't Mind If I Do Krew and Team Take It Eacy. It gets increasingly harder to say good-bye and live my life without these people as the years pass, but when we gather, the most incredible things happen. Never have I found myself in a group of people who are so intent on positive thinking, positive vibes, and passing the love through oneself and onto others. The level of caring and consideration in this group is a rare treasure. Each one of us is a gem in our own way, and we all bring some element of life to the group as a whole. We are a group of people who may not see each other but a few times a year, but during the times we are together, the love you feel is incomparable to any other time. We are all such positive thinking people who like to release positive vibes into the universe, as well as listen to the world and let it take us where we are supposed to be. We would leave the group and wander around, just knowing that we would find each other again. And we always did :)

One of the most ultimate highlights of the festival for me was Bassnectar's set on Friday night. He absolutely KILLED IT!!! His set was so sexual and incredible that I thought I had about died and gone to Heaven. The beats he was throwing our way were fresh to death and channeled all the way through my body to move me in a way that has not happened [in public] ever before! I hope I can get my hands on that live set from some where, because I want nothing more than to blast it on repeat until I see him again! I am not sure I saw a single set that didn't melt my face off in some way, and was so happy to see some people that I'd never even heard of before. Other sets that I saw included: Thievery Corporation, Emancipator, Yacht, Kraddy, Run DMT, Big Gigantic, Porter Robinson, NastyNasty, Pretty Lights, Tipper, Fish Bone, Datsik, Eliot Lipp, Heyoka, Hottub, Star Slinger, Dilated Peoples, B. Bravo, Samples, Two Fresh, Paper Diamond, and The Glitch Mob. WOW, what an amazing weekend of music!!! And just an amazing weekend overall!

By far the best new year's I have ever have, and it will be a struggle to surpass the greatness in the coming years. But I gladly accept the challenge ;D

And now that the new year has begun, I am making it my goal to actually continue this blog in a consistent fashion! The resolutions are in the working, and I would love to know what yours are, so please share!

Enjoy your third day of the new year my friends, and let's make this year even better than those passed!